Global Master in Business Administration
Título Propio de la Universidad San Pablo CEU1500 hours equivalent a 60 ECTS
This Generalist Master Program (General Management Program) that trains the participants who pass it, to carry out managerial functions, in any type of organization, whether they are commercial companies or non-profit entities, etc.
It is aimed at entrepreneurs, professionals, managers and directors from China who need to enhance and/or improve the development of management skills to optimize their resources and improve the results of their businesses.
Today’s company needs, more than ever, highly qualified professionals and managers, capable of making the right decisions. The essential GMB Program is framed along these lines for all those professionals who want to take on these new challenges.
Together with the technical training of each of the management areas, it is aimed at promoting the development of communication skills and the management of multidisciplinary teams in changing environments and always with a top management vision.
All the contents of the program will have a relevant focus on internationalization and business development, promoting the managerial career and the improvement of the personal brand as a differentiating factor of this program.
Next edition soon
1500 hours, equivalent 60 ECTS
Online / Streaming
Students to whom it is addressed
Professionals, managers, directors and owners of companies in China who want to improve their management skills, business knowledge and professional development.
1.- Knowledge of the different Management areas.
2.- Approach the Lean Startup.
4.- Experience the manager’s work through role play explanations.
5.- Develop professional quality and capacity.
6.- Align professional and personal potential with objectives.
7.- Achieve better people, teams and companies, a better society.
1. Business analysis and situations 4,46 ECTS
1. Training of Senior Business Management
2. The scientific method of decision making
3. The consequences of good management: Comprehensive success.
2. Control 6,06 ECTS
4. Financial Accounting. Mechanics
5. Financial Accounting. Analysis
6. Management Accounting. Decision making
3. Finance and Accounting 6,06 ECTS
7. The financial function in the company
8. Working Capital Management – NOF- FM Model
9. The relationship Sources of Financing – Company: Financing mechanisms.
4.Leadership and People Management 6,66 ECTS
10. Human motivation
11. Work team management
12. Communication, leadership and authority
13. Directive action
14. Professional Ethics
5. Marketing and sales 6,18 ECTS
15. The client
16. Marketing Strategy: Basic Concepts
17. Digital Marketing: Basic Concepts
18. Design of Communication Strategies
6. Operations and Systems 3.26 ECTS
19. Product manufacturing processes
20. Service provision processes
7. Digital Environment 1.86 ECTS
21. Digital tools. Opportunities for Innovation and Digital Business
8. Global Economy 2.26 ECTS
22. Globalization
22. Functioning and Effects of the Global Economy
23. International Trade
9. Circular Economy 2.06 ECTS
24. Current situation and challenges
25. Corporate Social Responsibility
10. Company Policy 6.46 ECTS
26. Lead Organizations
27. Governance areas: business, structure, procedures of progress and institutional configuration.
28. Mission, Vision, Values
29. Structure of Organizations
11. Management Skills 2.46 ECTS
30. Communication for managers
31. Leadership Styles
32.Effective time planning and management
12. Innovation Process 3.14 ECTS
33. Lean Start-up
34. Blue Ocean
35. Canvas
13. Business legal risks 3.1 ECTS
35. Compliance
36 .Special attention to Data protection, Industrial and Intellectual Property legislation
14. Master’s Thesis. 6 ECTS
*The CEU Postgraduate Institute reserves the right to make changes to the calendar and/or schedules due to academic requirements
1- Existen dos opciones para formalizar la matrícula:
a. El estudiante entrega presencialmente la documentación requerida y hace efectivo el pago de la matrícula.
Horario de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 18.00 horas, excepto festivos
b. El estudiante envía al correo electrónico que se especifica, toda la documentación detallada en el punto 3.
Enviar documentos a: [email protected]
2. Una vez verificados los datos nos pondremos en contacto con el estudiante para que en el plazo de 24/48 horas finalice telemáticamente su proceso de automatrícula. Para ello le haremos llegar sus correspondientes credenciales.
Acceso al programa de automatrícula:
3. Documentos necesarios para la matriculación:
- DNI por ambas caras.
- Solicitud rellena de Matrícula (con DOMICILIACIÓN si la forma de pago es fraccionada o sin DOMICILIACIÓN si es pago único)
- Justificante bancario de haber abonado el importe de la matrícula Mediante transferencia:
IBAN ES55-0182-5566-71-0011505145
(en observaciones introducir nombre y DNI del alumno)
Mediante ingreso en efectivo:
- Hasta 1.000€ Pago Express en Cajeros BBVA (Emisora 41748757 sufijo 003)
- Superior a 1.000€ en oficinas BBVA Clientes especiales
CIF G-41748757
Mediante tarjeta en TPV que tiene a su disposición en Servicio de Atención al Estudiante CEU
En el que de Máster, Diploma de Grado o estudiantes de último año de Grado (previa consulta académica con la Dirección Académica).
For this program, you must also fill out this form that you can download by clicking here
The price of the GMBA is 59.800 RMB.
For registration: [email protected]